Search through your spam and junk mail for an e-mail you think might be a hoax. (Please don’t
click any links or open any attachments as you search.) Using the Web sites listed earlier in the 19 chapter for debunking virus hoaxes, search for information about this potential hoax. You
might need to enter the subject line in the e-mail message into a search box on the Web site.
I had an email in my junk mail about "24/7 Instant Approval! Apply Direct with a Lender Today!" ,and it was talking about lending money 24/7 instantly. But I honest to God feel like it's just a scam email like most of the emails in my junk mail. Where they are offering me Cruise deals for these unrealistic offers and that is basically it. Anything that just comes off as unrealistic is usually a scam. This email about lending money is just trying to lure me in for a scam.
PROJECT 19-2: Using Firefox
Go to the Mozilla Web site ( and download and install Firefox. Use it to
browse the Web. How does it compare to Internet Explorer? What do you like better about it?
What do you not like as well? When might you recommend to someone that they use Firefox
rather than Internet Explorer? Also, download the FoxFilter plug-in from
and install it. What are the differences between FoxFilter and the IE content filter?
I like Firefox myself better than Internet Explorer and there is a comparison to why I pick Firefox over Internet Explorer. There is more web page viewing space with out a lot of scrolling compared to other internet browsers with the Firefox browser. Firefox lets you surf the internet faster and more secure. The images and text are more clearer in Firefox than Internet Explorer. Here I will show you the difference!
Internet Explorer:
There really isn't much of a difference in my opinion between FoxFilter and the IE content filter because they both filter out inappropriate content.
PROJECT 19-3: Using a Port Scanner
Port scanning software can be used to find out how vulnerable a computer is with open
ports. This project will require the use of two computers on the same network to practice
using port scanning software. Do the following:
1. Download and install Advanced Port Scanner by Famatech at on
Computer 1.
2. On Computer 2, make sure that Windows Firewall is turned on and that the Block all
incoming connections box is checked. Also, disable any third-party personal firewalls.
3. On Computer 1, start Advanced Port Scanner and make sure that the range of IP
addresses includes the IP address of Computer 2. Then click Scan.
4. Browse the list and find Computer 2. List the number and purpose of all open ports
found on your Computer 2.
5. On Computer 2, turn Windows Firewall off.
6. On Computer 1, rescan and list the number and purpose of each port now open on
Computer 2.
If Computer 2 has another personal firewall installed, turn on that firewall. On Computer 1,
rescan and list the number and purpose of each port now open on Computer 2 when the
personal firewall is running.
First I installed the program off of the website:
Second I started the scan after the program finished installing:
Third the scan finished and here is the end results:
Do the following to experiment with managing user accounts:
1. Using Windows Vista, create a Standard user account and log on using that account. Can
you view the contents of the Documents folder for an account with Administrator privileges?
This is the new Standard user account I made with the Administrator account:
Here is the message I get when I try to access the Documents folder:
2. Using the Standard account, try to install a program. What message do you receive?
I am asked to login to the Administrator account.
3. What happens if you try to create a new account while logged on under the Standard account?
I am asked again to login to the Administrator account.
PROJECT 19-5: Using Password Checker
Microsoft offers a password checker for users to know the strength of their passwords.
To use the utility, go to the Microsoft Web site at and search for “Password Checker.” Use this free Microsoft utility to verify that a password you have made up is a strong password. Based on the measure of the strength of several of your passwords,
what do you think the password checker is looking for?
Weak Password:
Strong Password:
What is a strong password?
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